Six Recommendations for What to Watch

It’s time for me to highlight what shows I recommend watching. I must say, once I begin a series, I am pretty committed. It takes a lot for me to not finish a show. It may take me awhile to get through it, but I’ll find the time eventually. I have also come to realize that I really prefer a series being released all at once, rather than once per week. What do you prefer? I feel that I am more likely to squeeze in some screen time when I know there are multiple episodes available.

Take a look at the shows and movies that I am enjoying. Black Bird is doing a good job of keeping me entertained, I am current with the episodes!

Better Call Saul - If you were a fan of Breaking Bad, then I really think that you should watch the prequel. I am a season behind, so I am watching the show on Netflix. This six season series will keep you entertained as you see how all of the connections were made to create Breaking Bad. The final season is now available and can be viewed on AMC. new episodes are available on Mondays and there are just 3 episodes left.

Black Bird - Apple TV - This limited series was inspired by true events. There’re just 6 episodes to this series and each are about 1 hour long. The last episode will be available August 5th.

Jerry & Margo Go Large - Paramount+ / Amazon- This comedy stars Bryan Cranston and Annette Bening. They play roles of a newly retire couple that no longer have a lot in common until, they take a chance and go large!

Physical - Apple TV - Do you love the 80s? Well, I sure do. Check out this series Rose Byrne starts in Physical and she plays the role so well! The costumes are so good and so is the story line! Two seasons are available to watch.

The Gray Man - Netflix - Where are my Ryan Gosling fans?!? This is an entertaining movie to watch. Ryan Gosling plays the character of Six, a CIA agent, who is being sought after by a rogue operative.

The Old Man - Hulu - Jeff Bridges plays the role of Dan Chase, a former FBI agent that now lives off the grid. The past has caught up with Dan and now he’s on the run. Good news, there will be a second season!

Leave a note in the comments with a series/movie that you recommend watching. I am always looking for something new!


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